All in the Family Name
Our family's efforts to record some of the Spiker names in our history are sometimes hindered by conflicting sources.
Articles in the Spiker Gazette explore the family history and genealogy. Inside, you will find photos and information both old and new, while hearing from family members passing on knowledge.
Our family's efforts to record some of the Spiker names in our history are sometimes hindered by conflicting sources.
Exploring the connections of Bradford Spiker's manuscript, "The Good-Will Community," with Barr Wilson, John M. DeBrular, Port DeBrular, Geneva Haught, Gay Spiker, Orville & Gerry Bonnell, Mary Grace Maxwell, Ed Haught, and Sue Ann Maxwell Spiker
Navigating our website is like going from room to room at the Spiker farm. Here's how it works.
No news to share - just wishes for the Happiest of Holidays and all the best in the New Year.
Mary Lucille DeBerry reminisces about how important education has been to the families living near the Spiker farm.
Highlights of Alison Spiker's mission trip to Guatamala.