November 2022

The Spiker Family Website Update

Pete Deremer launches a new version of the Spiker Family Website.

By Pete Deremer

The Spiker Family Website has been an amazing place of growth for family, stories, and information since 2007, when Bobbi first launched it. It really is incredible to see what it has become today and what it will continue to become in the coming years. Looking towards the future, we have launched a new website for the Spiker Family that will set the stage for even more sharing.

We focused on using modern and cost optimized infrastructure, provided by Amazon Web Services. As the old vendor sunsets, we have gone live with this new infrastrucure. However, due to the pure number of articles published over the years, I will launch with a minimal number needed, with the archives building up again over time. You will notice that much looks different, including a new brand new look and a search feature. Please do provide feedback on the new website, as I’m eager to hear everyone’s thoughts.

A site is only as good as the people behind it writting the content. As such, I would like to ask that if anyone is interested in helping be a part of the writing team, please reach out and let me know!

2022 Spiker Family Website